Danny Robinson
1 min readOct 22, 2021


Pondering the donor class. Or the lizard people. Photo by author

My new favorite quote

In a story by indi.ca that I found today, he was talking about tacos. Soft tacos I think. Or weak tacos. I don’t know, it was about the left, and right hating on news media, and the rich donors running our politics, and how the middle was falling out of the taco.

But one line stuck out for me. It is what I have been talking about for some time, having to do with guillotines, and the mega rich fuckers trying to kill us all and the world just so they can have more stuff.

But this line was better. I just had to share it with everyone outside of the context of the tacos. I feel it stands on it’s own as truly enlightened thought. Thank You Indi.

So here it is in all it’s glory.

“If those rich donors knew what needed to be done, they would go out and guillotine themselves.”

Yes! Yes! Please! Because they do know this! They need to just do it! Because if they don’t do it on their own soon we are going to do it for them.

Anybody with me on this?

Oh yes, and we need better tacos.



Danny Robinson

Old guy. Ex Democrat. Believer in karma. I’ll get mine! You’ll get yours!