I Was Born Into Christianity. I Was Groomed From the Time I Was A Day Old

Danny Robinson
4 min readSep 21, 2023


And Christians call drag story time grooming.

I am still afraid of hell. It makes no sense that a creator that loves you would put you in a place of pain and anguish for all of eternity. But I was groomed so now I have that fear in the back of my consciousness that will follow me apparently until I die. I know it makes no sense at all, but there it is. They told me only a few of us will make it to heaven. Which means most of us no matter how much we love and care for each other in this life are burning in hell for eternity. And guess what, God already knows who it’s gonna be. That means that most of the people that profess to be Christians are going to fry with the rest of us because they are not the chosen few. I know in my mind that I do not believe this, but still it scares the hell out of me at times, because I was groomed.

Religion, no matter which one you pick is going to be all about exception and exclusion. People should really face up to that. How many people have been killed, maimed, or miss treated by religion? I don’t have a number, but i know it’s a very big one. How could these religious zealots get to that point of doing harm to others because their religion says so? I think it is because they are groomed. Religion is the single most prolific grooming entity in the history of human kind. And these people that have been groomed into this crazy club that holds beliefs that are the opposite of other beliefs they profess in the same sentence have the gall to say that people supporting others who are LGBTQ are groomers is really out there. These people own hypocrisy to the fullest.

I was raised in this environment from birth until I left home. I was forced to go and listen. I was made to feel ashamed, and dirty. And I believed it all until I got far enough away to see the hypocrisy, and the hate that was building. I believe there are good people that are members of these cults, but as a whole they have become a threat to a just society, and they need to wake up and get out so that the evil that is driving these organizations can be delt with. These people are saying this is a war. Onward Christians soldiers they cry. It is true. It is a war. It is a war of hate against acceptance. exceptionalism against community.

Many, or even most of the things that Jesus said I think are great and worthy of using as a template on how to treat others. How did all that get so lost? Well part of it is that over the last 2000 years the words have been twisted in the bibles text to reflect the bias of whoever had control of the texts at that time. Some of the most evil monsters of all time are using Christianity as cover. They are making it a part of government which it was never meant to be. They are using it in government as a weapon against people they do not like. Tell me what Jesus said about government. What did Jesus say about religion? What did he say about pompous self aggrandizing religious zealots? What did he say about amassing huge amounts of wealth? What about the poor, the needy? Does any of that sound like what we have with the far right so called Christians of today? It is a hate group, Plain and in your face.

One of the things that has brought this whole fiasco into focus is the absurdity of saying that LGBTQ+ people are indoctrinated into what they are. No, it is how they are born. In other words, it is how nature, or God if you like, made them. There is no decision to become gay. Sometimes it takes a while to find yourself. Science bears this out. The more we learn, the more we know this to be true.

Come on people. I am fine with you practicing religion if you want, I will fight for your right to do so, but I will not stand idly by as you practice hate. Own your own indoctrination. Realize where you are being used. If you want to preach the love of Jesus then live it. I guess that is my rant for today.




Danny Robinson

Old guy. Ex Democrat. Believer in karma. I’ll get mine! You’ll get yours!