Here is The Old Radical Lefty Himself

Danny Robinson
3 min readMay 19, 2022


Hi, this is me. It is from a year or two ago. I am much older looking now. Funny how running and hiding from a deadly virus can pile on the wrinkles.

Some people start writing here to make money, and maybe some of them actually do. Not me. I decided I just wanted to communicate, so I did not monetize myself. I want to be plain old Danny. I do not want you to think I am portraying myself as being smarter than you. I try to say things as simply as possible.

Following is a short list of what I am trying to communicate this week.

I can see as can you that our world is in deep trouble. My country (USA) is one of the largest reasons that our world is sinking into a smoldering pile of shit. We have allowed Capitalism to plunder us and the rest of the world un restrained. We are greedy, and that greed has been used against our own best interests by a few ultra rich oligarchs. We must face the fact that we are the most propagandized group of people on the planet. We let them take our rights, and write the laws that protect and enrichen them. We made bribery legal for gosh sakes.

There is no love for the rest of humanity allowed. We come first. We get what we want by forcing people in other countries to hand us their labor and their oil or anything else we take a fancy to or we kill them. We pay the taxes that pay for the plunder of other countries, and the oligarchs make billions while we the 99% fight each other like dogs for the scraps that fall on the floor. We gladly go into debt for the rest of our lives to give the impression we are not poor. We have more stuff we don’t use than we have places to store it.

Or military pollutes more than most countries. Add in the rest of the country, and we are very near the top polluters in the world with only a fraction of the population. We emit around 16 tons of carbon per person while the global average is around 4 tons, with many being well under 4 tons. Many Americans are over 16 tons. This is called land of the free.

There was a time that schools, and education were important. These days our school systems have been attacked. We have been dumbed down. The money that was taken from our public schools was given to the rich to make it cheaper for them to afford private school for their kids. At the same time people are fighting to hide history from public school kids by removing , and outlawing books. And always remember to not say gay, while being sure to disregard scientific facts like the plague. Stupid people are so much easier to control.

Yup, our world is in big trouble, and we in the USA are a big part of the reason why. And we claim to be Christian. What a joke. The USA brand of Christian does not know how to live like Christ. If we did, there would be no borders. We would be a socialist or even communist stronghold. People would share what they have with everyone else. Billionaires would not exist, and they absolutely should not. We would not need the military, and we would treat the world that sustains us, and the people around us with love.

Just my thoughts this week.



Danny Robinson

Old guy. Ex Democrat. Believer in karma. I’ll get mine! You’ll get yours!