Do You See That Wagging Tail?

Danny Robinson
2 min readSep 30, 2021


That’s dog clapping right there! But I have noticed a good portion of Medium readers are acting like lazy dogs with their claps.

Photo by author

I know some people don’t realize that they can give up to 50 claps. So this is for you. You all know who you are. The single clappers. It just takes a moment to say that you liked a story 20, 30, 40, or even 50 claps. It really doesn’t hurt your hands. You don’t even need to click more than once. Just hold the button on your mouse down, and watch the number of claps rise.

You would think it was draining their blood out onto the floor the way people dole out the approval around here. To me it seems that if the story wasn’t good enough for a fair amount of approval you are admitting to the world that you are just sitting there wasting your time. Don’t waste your time. Clap!

Make your opinion count!

The more claps you give, the more confidence you instill in the writer. Even if the writing is so so. As confidence builds, so will the quality of the work. Maybe.

Don’t be a party to suicide!

Although I have never heard of anyone actually doing the deed because of low clap counts on their stories, I think it could be a possibility. I know how it feels to get a message like bla bla and five others clapped for your story. But then I go take a look to see who it was, and I find six freaking claps. What the hell? Where’s my rat poison!

You don’t want that on your conscious do ya? Go ahead and give a few wags. Share that warm and fuzzy feeling. Take a bite outta crime! Yes, only leaving one clap should be a crime, and we all know it. If you don’t believe the words are worth more, think of how my dog Petey would feel if he noticed he only had one clap.

Photo by author

Don’t be a lazy unappreciative old dog about your fellow writers work. Give them the appreciation they deserve. Anything over one, because one is the loneliest number.

Or don’t clap at all. Hey, I was just thinking out loud.



Danny Robinson

Old guy. Ex Democrat. Believer in karma. I’ll get mine! You’ll get yours!